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(German: Kaufhaus des Westens / English: Department Store of the West) is with more than 60.000 sqm of selling space not only Germany’s, but also continental Europe’s biggest department store. The eight floors of the building are all focused on different kinds of merchandise and have more than 380.000 articles for sale. The top floor includes a winter garden with a restaurant providing space for 1000 guests and a fantastic view over Wittenberg square.
is a typical German meal, invented in Berlin. It consists of a fried sausage, topped with a special sauce, made from tomato paste, curry and a range of spices. It is usually served with french fries. The patent holder for the original curry sauce, Mrs. Herta Heuwer, told that she was bored in her snack bar. So she started mixing different ingredients in a large pot. The result was, what we now know as curry sauce. Today lots of snack bars sell currywurst with their own version of the curry sauce. There is even a special currywurst museum in Berlin.
(German: Berliner Mauer) which divided Germany from 1961, after World War II, into two parts and began to fall on 9th November 1989. The people in the east were finally allowed to travel to the west. Today most of the Berlin Wall has been destroyed, but a stone line which crosses Berlin where the original wall once stood, still reminds of it. The biggest remaining part of the Berlin Wall is called the East Side Gallery and is the world's longest open-air gallery. It contains street-art paintings of 118 artists from 21 countries.
(German: Museumsinsel) is the name of the northern half of an island in the Spree river in the central “Mitte“ district of Berlin, the site of the old city of “Cölln“. Its name derives from the complex of five internationally significant museums, all part of the Berlin State Museums, that occupy the island's northern part. In 1999, the museum complex was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites and today forms the biggest universal museum.
(German: Lichterfest) is an annual event in Berlin since 2004. Every October the well-known sights like Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Fernsehturm or Berlin Cathedral are scenes of illumination and light-art for one or two weeks. The artists light up 49 of Berlin’s landmarks and squares with bright colours and sensational projections. There is also a running-event, called “Light Run“, where people run a 7,5 km route alongside many famous buildings, theaters, embassies and traditional enterprises.